When I hear the term, Am Yisrael, I think of Judaism and Jewish people. The continuation of Am Yisrael to some sects of Judaism is creating more babies and keeping the Jewish blood alive while others think differently. More secular Jews think that the continuation of Am Yisrael is about having a place for them by serving in the IDF. However, both of those things are very important to the continuation of the Jewish people because without a Jewish land there is no people and vice versa.
I think that I am an important part of Am Yisrael. Since I am the new Membership Vice President of my NFTY Region, I am able to advocate for Israel during events and talk about it with my friends. Not only at NFTY events but also at school I can bring up the topic of Israel with my friends and see their side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict if they have one. Since being in Israel, I think that my part of being a part of Am Yisrael has only grown.