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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Am Yisrael (עם ישראל)

When I hear the term, Am Yisrael, I think of Judaism and Jewish people. The continuation of Am Yisrael to some sects of Judaism is creating more babies and keeping the Jewish blood alive while others think differently. More secular Jews think that the continuation of Am Yisrael is about having a place for them by serving in the IDF. However, both of those things are very important to the continuation of the Jewish people because without a Jewish land there is no people and vice versa.
I think that I am an important part of Am Yisrael. Since I am the new Membership Vice President of my NFTY Region, I am able to advocate for Israel during events and talk about it with my friends. Not only at NFTY events but also at school I can bring up the topic of Israel with my friends and see their side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict if they have one. Since being in Israel, I think that my part of being a part of Am Yisrael has only grown. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Rabbi Callie

Back at home in California, one of my favorite Rabbi's is leaving my temple, Peninsula Temple Beth-El. Her name is Rabbi Callie Schulman. This is a big event to me not only because this is the 2nd time one of my favorite Rabbi's is leaving, but a huge and important person in our community is leaving. Rabbi Callie is very special to me because she has made a big impact on me as a person. She has helped me mature through out my high school and helped me find my Jewish identity. Rabbi Callie is the person in charge of the teen youth at my temple. She has helped out with some of our TYG events and with our Wednesday Night Program (WNP). I believe that without Rabbi Callie there, the whole WNP will change but then again whenever there is something new, things change. I am excited to see the new change that will happen at my temple and can't wait to be apart of it. However, I am sad because Rabbi Callie won't be able to help and see me finish off my high school career. Rabbi Callie is an amazing person and Rabbi and any congregation that gets her will be lucky.

Yam Le'Yam

Yam Le'Yam was a definitely interesting and fun trip. I really enjoyed the camping and seeing the beautiful landscape of Israel. It was interesting to learn the skills that we would need to help ourselves stay alive. We learned how to find north and I also learned some tricks from my teammates. This trip really pushed me to my limits. I was able to learn more about myself. I learned how I am with others especially in this type of situation. I was able to have and create friendships with the others in my team. My team I think was the best team. Even though we didn't finish first in some challenges, we worked really well together surprisingly. The trip overall of the long trips we have done, is my favorite. It really reminded me of California and camping back at home. I can now say that Israel is my home.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Mezrachi Jews

A few weeks ago, in class we were talking about refugees. During the time after the 6 Day war, not only were there Arab refugees but there we also Jewish refugees from Arab countries like Iran and Iraq. These refugees were called Mezrachi Jews. My family on my dad's side are Mezrachi Jews. They immigrated from Iran and Iraq and played a big part in the Jews leaving. My great grandfather was the man to go to. He was able to forge passports and papers for the Jews to leave those countries which I think is pretty cool. During the trek from the Arab countries to Israel, the Jews weren't allowed to keep any property. When they left their homes they left everything behind. When the Mezrachi Jews came to Israel they were sorta thought of as second hand citizens who weren't as important as Ashkenazi Jews. Mezrachi Jews have had to deal with many hardships and still do today. Statistically, Mezrachi Jews are less educated and more likely to not go to University unlike Ashkenazi Jews. For myself, I grew up in a mixed household of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews so I never knew of this problem that Sephardic/Mezrachi Jews faced. I think that Mezrachi and Ashkenazi Jews are different because of culture but the same as Jews and people and Mezrachi Jews should have more of a voice in the society.

Monday, April 18, 2016

American Jews and Israel

As an North American Jew I am able to understand and see the discomfort that North American Jews face in Israel. With being blamed for the decline in Judaism and not living culturally Jewish. I think that that is not fully true. Yes North American Jews are more assimilated and aren't as culturally Jewish, however North American Jews seem to me to be more religious than Israelis that aren't any type of orthodoxy. I think that I am a decently religious Reform Jew in America. I don't take part in shabbat at home but I uphold the moral and ethical values of Judaism. Judaism has and will always be a huge part of my life. Israel already thinks that I am not a respectable Jew because I am a Modern Reform Jew. Israel does try and make it a safe place for us North American Jews but also says that we Jews aren't Jews because of intermarriage, interfaith relationships, and other things that North American Jews tend to do.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

'Jewish' Food in Poland

In Lviv, Ukraine, there is a Jewish themed restaurant connected to the 16th-century Golden Rose Synagogue. In this restaurant, the staff dress up as Haredim. They were the hat with fake peyot attached to it. The author, Cnaan Liphshiz, goes a long with the restaurant's racist and stereotypical actions and finds out that they aren't on purpose necessarily. Yes the owners opened a Jewish themed restaurant but is mainly for the tourists and the customers. All people have some type of stereotyping in there brain and sometimes enjoy it when its makes them laugh or enjoy what they are talking about. In the restaurant, there aren't any prices because Jews love to bargain. That is not exactly true for all Jews, however when the owner was told of this issue of racism, using this example, they said that Ukrainians too like to bargain. The Golden Rose restaurant may seem racist and rude, which to me sorta is, but is a way of providing for their families and jobs. I am not a supporter but I believe that everything is done for a reason, and this one's reason is to just make money even though it is a horrible and disgusting way to do so.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Poland Experience

During our trip to Poland, our class put a big emphasis on the resistance. During the Holocaust, the Jews would try their hardest to resist from being captured and killed by the Germans. This theme really stuck out to me not only because of the perseverance of the Jews but my personal connection. My great grandmother was an extraordinary woman. She lived in Germany with my grandfather (Papa) and his sister. My great grandma had to send away my Papa and his sister to Sweden in a Kinder Transport. My great grandmother was an important person in my life because she was such an inspiring person. She left her children for 10 years in order to keep her children and herself safe and free from the Nazi's.
My great grandmother went to China, England, and other places to keep the resisting against the Germans. My great grandmothers wasn't the only person who did this, many other families were separated to keep themselves safe, and especially the children. Her, and like many others, are such an inspiration to me and other Jews. Those who were able to not have Hitler and the Nazi's win, are the definition of resistance. They were able to still be Jewish and still be alive, and to me that is a blessing to know. To be able to live on and become a loving and inclusive community. In one of Martin Niemoller's famous quotes, "First they came for the Socialists..." we are able to see that if we don't stand up for those who are different, then who will be there for us. I believe that through the resistance and the progression of Judaism, the culture has put more of a emphasis on community because if there is no one left who will be there to help you out.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Yiddish Theatre

People may think that Yiddish Theatre was not a big success since there was anti-semitism in America at the time, however, Yiddish Theatre was very successful. Many people have become famous over it like Sarah Adler and her children. One of her children, named Stella Adler,  founded the Stella Adler Studio of Acting where other actors and actresses came from like Anthony Quinn and Elaine Stritch. The Yiddish Theaters would get business because there wasn't any TVs or radios at the time for the people to entertain themselves. The audiences were mainly Jewish but they were able to catch the attention of the New York papers.
Through the plays, they were able to explain and shows more than a century worth of immigration of the Jews. They were able to show the audience the oppression of the Jews over time. People back then and even today blame Jews for things like stabbing Christ crackers and using non-Jewish children blood for matzah. Muslims, and Christians especially, believed and still believe that these accusations are true. As we were talking today in class, Jews have always been a oppressed people who have overcome the hardest things and are punished for the most false and stupid things. A way people can understand that the Jews have had to deal this for centuries, is through art like theatre, music, poems, and physical art like paintings and mosaics.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Family and their Influence

So this past weekend I was able to meet my family, or at least some of the many, that live in Israel. I met my maternal grandfather's adoptive family. When my grandfather was around the age of 5 years old, he had to flee Germany because of the Holocaust. He and his older sister were in the kinder transport to Sweden. We met the family and the children of who my grandfather lived with. I met my Dad's cousin Yossi Alfi and his family. One of Yossi's sons is named Guri Alfi, who is a famous comedian here in Israel. Then we met up with my father's Aunt's family who are all amazing and fun. I love that I am able to say that I have all of this family in Israel which only makes my feelings towards Israel stronger. I believe that there should be a place for my family to live in and be able to protect them. A few of my cousins are going off to the army soon and will be placed in a base and position, where they will be spending the next 2-3 years fighting for their country. Israel will always be a big part of my life with all of this family and my experience here.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Pillars of the Community

Many people believe that Muslims and Jews cannot coexist or live together. In India, there is a man named Thaha Ibrahim and his wife who live in Cochin. They are Muslims who want to keep this unique heritage of being Indian Muslims, while being able to live with Jews. The both of them would help and embrace the Jewish culture that not many people are a part of. In Cochin there is not much anti-semitism and has a dying group of Jews. Sarah Cohen is one of those rare people. Sarah Cohen was a big impact on Ibrahim not only on his interactions with people but him as a person. For Ibrahim and the Muslims of Cochin, the Jews are not an enemy. They are friends and family.
Today there are people in Israel that are Jews that friends and family with Muslims or vice versa. Today there is constant conflict with Muslims and Jews over land or general things. For me, I believe that we can coexist and learn to live together like Sarah and Ibrahim. Islam and Judaism have similar principles. In Islam there are the 5 Pillars: belief in one God, prayer 5 times a day, charity, Ramadan, and Pilgrimage to Mecca. In Judaism, we are supposed to believe in God, pray 3 times a day and give to/help the needy. Don't they seem similar to Islam's 5 Pillars? Both Islam and Judaism are not only a religion, but a culture. There are many similarities in these religions yet it is so interesting how there is still constant conflict that has lasted over 1000 years. Many people believe that Muslims and Jews can't live together in harmony, however I believe that we can achieve this through looking at the example of Thaha Ibrahim and Sarah Cohen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Beit She'arim

  While in Beit She’arim, we learned in our Jewish History Class about the significance of the spot. The time period is 400 CE. During this time, the Sanhedrian, a group of 70 Rabbis and 1 Nassi who interpreted the laws for the Jews, was disbanded from Jerusalem and have been travelling around the North of Israel. One of the places they stopped to do their travels was in Beit She’arim.

  Here in Beit She’arim there is a tomb full of a bunch of Rabbis and their loved ones. In the tomb we saw a bunch of sarcophaguses with not only Hebrew writings but different drawings of gods and goddesses and some pictures of lions. These depictions and drawings brought up questions of  if the Jews and Rabbis at the time were fully committed to Judaism. Much like today, people still don't know how to define when someone is not Jewish. Today in class we discussed how we define people as being Jews. The majority of the time we talked about the bare minimum a Jew should do to consider themselves Jewish. Some said that going to the high holidays is the bare minimum while others said that knowing the history of the Jewish people is enough. Many people especially in Reform Judaism, don't really know what to think of when they are confronted with the idea that they may not be Jewish. Which to some being told they are not Jewish is not a shocker or a total shock.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Israeli Defense Force Dealing with Stabbings

I think that the Israeli Defense Force should be judged on the way they deal with stabbings and not based off of how the media portrays Israel in general. I understand that the IDF enforces the "purity of arms" and to only kill when they or their comrades are in danger based off of my experience in Gadna. However the world is very anti-Israel today and will use any information they can get their hands on to make Israel not only look bad but get supporters in being anti-Israel. Many anti-Israel people use the army to criticize Israel as a whole because when they use the stabbings and all of the accounts where an Israeli solider is very threatening or "dangerous" to make propaganda. Even if a solider is to just put a terrorist in a head lock or anything that doesn't kill them, they will still be judged in a negative light.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Gadna Experience

My friends and I at the shooting range.
As people have suggested, Gadna was pretty horrible in the retrospect of the bathrooms and the Israelis that were there with us. During my experience in Gadna, I really got a good idea of what the IDF is like. Even though there where obstacles, literally and physically, I and everyone else was able to get through it. Gadna was a definite struggle mentally, having to deal with the yelling and being in a totally new and different environment and that aspect really took a toll on people. In all I am really happy and glad that I was able to take part in this experience. 
A view of the Negev Desert.
This participation has really helped me in my thoughts about the IDF. Before going into Gadna, I had the thought of joining the IDF in the back of my head and never really considered joining, but now that I have this understanding, I have definitely thought about it. I am a Jew who believes that there should be a state for the Jewish people and will do what I think is the best way for me to advocate for that. Gadna is a great taste of what it is like to be in IDF and I would not change my experience for the world because of its impact on my life and my choices. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Expectations of Gadna

Many people think of the army as a horrible pit of despair. They might be right. While in Gadna, I want to be there with a positive mindset. One of the things I have been waiting for is Gadna while on EIE. I think that Gadna will be a very good learning experience for me. It will help me with time management and with being on top of my responsibilities. While in Gadna I hope I will gain a better understanding of the people's nationalism for Israel and the thought process of the lone soldiers coming from America. One of my friends is going to become a lone soldier in 3 or so months and it would be interesting to know what he will be doing. My friend was on EIE Spring Semester 2015 and was really interested in the IDF. I really hope that Gadna isn't going to be the worst thing every but even in the worst parts of things, there will always be a ray of sunshine that makes everything better.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My Jerusalem

For our first Shabbat in Israel, all of us EIE students went to the Western Wall. On our way to the Wall, we were walking through the city and we were able to see all of what the city had to offer. Jerusalem has not only a scenic beauty but a spiritual beauty and connection.

I love the architecture of Jerusalem and I was taken away by how easily the buildings fit so well together. The older and newer buildings are weaved together as if they were built in the same time period. The Western Wall especially took me away. As we were walking down to the Western Wall, I began to choke up. Seconds later, I felt tears running down my face. The sight of this grand and important wall, made me feel like there is more to Judaism than just praying to God. As a proud Jew, I pray to God and don’t think much of it except that we have to do it. Now I feel that I have a more spiritual connection with God because of this experience with the Western Wall and being in Israel.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Bowl Sunday is a Holiday?

Many Americans think of the Super Bowl as if it was a religious ritual. There are definitely some similarities between the Super Bowl and the Jewish High Holidays. As Jonathan Zalman said, not many people are super fans of the Super Bowl or football in general and its the same with Judaism. The Orthodox Jews are like the die hard fans of football. Many people, including myself, are not die hard fans for Judaism and only go to some of their services, or games. 

I think that Jonathan has a point here. Not many Jews, or Reform Jews for instance, go to temple or shabbat services every week. Same with football fans. Not all of them are season ticket holders and go to their favorite teams games every time they are playing. I am too a football fan but I don't want to go to every Niners game. Football and High Holidays are on very similar principles, drink, eat, cheer, drink, sing, relax, and you guessed it, drink. 

So I leave you with a question. Do you think that Super Bowl Sunday is like a Holiday?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tel Gezer I Said Hi!

Tel Gezer is a beautiful and amazing place, full of history and different types of civilizations. Tel Gezer is definitely a historic landmark for Israel since the Canaanites established one of the cities there. While in Tel Gezer we learned about the rich culture and importance of the location. Many civilizations need water, food, defense, and some way of trade. In this area, the Canaanites were able to get all of these resources.
 In our class we learned the 4 D's. Dinner, drink, dollars, and defense. One of the major intersections near Tel Gezer is the highway 1 and 6 intersection. Many years ago the people would use that road as means of trade and travel from Mesopotamia and Egypt. It was called Derech Hiyam. This was one of our many experiences on EIE and many more to come, so Tel Gezer I said hi!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Adolf Eichmann and His Trial

Adolf Eichmann was a high ranked Nazi Officer who was caught, tried, and hung decades ago. As a person in the military would do, Eichmann just followed orders as one would. Many Jews and relatives of Jews who were in the Holocaust, who endured the pain and suffering, would say that he got what he deserved. Eichmann was not like a stereotypical officer that wasn't affected by human emotion. Eichmann was affected emotionally by how the Jews were being treated and immediately wanted to be transferred. I have family members who were greatly affected by the Holocaust and am very upset about how it all happened. However, I believe that a man who has admitted his wrong doings and was trying to help in an investigation to uncover the dark and horrific secrets of the Nazis, should not have been put to death in such a cruel way.

Friday, January 29, 2016

The First few Days of my Experience

A view of Jerusalem from the Kibbutz.
Hello! It's me... Elyssa Alfi. I know, you probably thought I was Adele but I am not. Anyway, welcome to my blog while I am in Israel. I will most likely be writing about topics I will be discussing in my Judaic Studies class and I will update you all on my life and experiences here in Israel. I am currently living in Tzuba, Israel which is a beautiful place with an amazing view of Israel's landscape. When I arrived in Israel, it wasn't a major  culture shock for mesurprisingly. 
Tzuba's transition from sunset to night.

Yes the money is different and how the people act, dress and live their lives is completely different from America, but is expected based off of what I already know and Israel's history. You may think of the history of the state of Israel, but what I mean is the history of the people inhabited in Israel. History is definitely a tricky and biased thing to understand and comprehend. There are different stories of the same events based off of who is writing it. Through my blog I will write about my history that I will make here in Israel.